Seeing so much of this lately - not every exercise will build the shelf. Single leg squatting movements do activate the glute medius but they're not gonna build the Med as much as a dynamic hip abduction movement done in the plane of the fibers. @mariavictoriatg chose 3 awesome glute exercises here, it's just that 2 of them primarily build the lower glute max. Here's a recap: Glute Medius & Minimus Builders: frontal plane hip abduction Upper Glute Max Builders: horizontal hip extension, transverse plane hip abduction, hip external rotation Lower Glute Max Builders: vertical hip extension #fypage #trainertips #trainerreacts #topshelf
Success leaves clues my friends! You want freakishly jacked legs then make sure you're doing squats, hack squats, and v-squats. Not just doing them but getting super strong at them too. Bro: @jaehun_allright #fypage #trainertips #trainerreacts #legs
If you don't go for PRs and don't train close to failure than you can do more exercises. But you're not gonna see as good of results that way. If you truly train hard AF then doing 3-4 sets of squats followed by 3-4 sets of step ups would one too much if you train the glutes every other day. This structure would be fine if training the glutes twice per week, but if training the glutes three times per week, my advice is to just do one squat/lunge type movement, one hinge/pull variation, one thrust/bridge, and one abduction. If seeking more lower glutes than upper glutes then do a kickback instead of an abduction. This is what I do with @bootybybretofficial and it works very well because it allows for optimal recovery. @filippafranssoon good job keep it up #fypage #trainertips #trainerreacts #glutegrowth
Why is this so hard for people to figure out? Hip extension = Glute Max. Vertical hip extension (squats, RDLs, lunges) may work more lower glute max and horizontal hip extension (thrusts, 45s, kickbacks) may work more upper glute max. Frontal plane hip abduction = Glute Med & Min. Maybe some upper glute max too. (Standing cable hip abduction) Transverse plane hip abduction = Glute Max. Especially when you lean forward a lot. (Seated hip abduction) #fypage #trainertips #trainerreacts
My clients all like different variations of seated hip abductions and we do a ton of them at Glute Lab. I'm sure many would like the variation shown in this video, but according to functional anatomy, the bridged seated hip abduction would be optimal. That said, you should experiment to figure out your favorites. pareesaakbar Great post! I need to give them a try #fypage #trainertips #trainerreacts #upperglutes
Just deadlift on flat ground. Elevating toes or heels won't change the subdivision of the glute max you’re working #fypage #trainertips #trainerreacts #glutemax
Smith Machine Glute Medius Side Bends Two thumbs up on these I don't always agree with @ben_yanes but this is a great idea. #fypage #glutegrowth #trainertips #trainerreacts
Building large, shapely, muscular glutes takes years. It won't happen in 21 days. And it won't happen by stretching. You're gonna have to get really strong at the big basics. There are no tricks to glute building. No hidden muscles and no secrets that the big gyms don't want you to know about. Do your hip thrusts. Do your split squats or step ups. Do your Romanian deadlifts or 45 hypers. Then kickback or abduct. Repeat 2-3 days later for several years while eating ample protein. #fypage #trainertips #trainerreacts
It's really hard to build your glutes and lose your abdominal fat at the same time. That's called "recomping." It usually happens when you're eating at a maintenance, consuming optimal protein, and gaining lots of strength (utilizing progressive overload). But it doesn't happen overnight. You have to be patient. And you'll be at a slight surplus because your new maintenance recalibrates as you gain muscle mass. I'm not a fan of "bulking" as it causes you to pack on bodyfat. Even clean bulking. You can't eat a "super clean" high surplus and rapidly fast forward the muscle building process. Or prevent fat gain. It doesn't work that way. And if you try to eat too clean you eventually end up binging or quitting the diet altogether. Your diet needs to be flexible to accommodate foods you're craving. This is what makes it sustainable over the long haul. #fypage #trainertips #trainerreacts #glutegrowth
Very interesting question! The answer would really be "it depends" as it's nuanced but here are my quick thoughts based on research going way back on the responses to over feeding. Skinny folks have to battle appetite and fidgeting/NEAT phenomena to become jacked. PMID: 2336074 #fypage #trainertips #trainerreacts #glutes
You Can't Isolate the Gluteus Medius from the Gluteus Minimus. They're pretty similar in terms of their location/angles on the pelvis and probably the totality of their fiber directions as well. I definitely think we should be doing a variety of abduction exercises to maximize glute medius and minimum hypertrophy but I don't think anyone at this point can say with certainty that one exercise will preferentially grow one over the other. This is why you don't hear me saying do this exercise for the glute medius and this exercise for the glute minimus. Just do a couple of standing or bridged abduction movements for the anterior and middle segments (do straight outwards as well as angled back around 30 degrees) and some seated or hinged abduction movements for the posterior segments. In other words, hit a variety of frontal and transverse movement plane hip abduction exercises such as glute medius hip thrusts/extra range loaded hip hikes, glute medius kickbacks, bridged abduction, seated hip abduction (upright and leaning), snow angels, standing abduction (with cables, ankle weights, or bands), extra range side lying hip abduction, cable glute medius side steps, side lying hip raises, and various lateral band walks. They're all good! Look at the fiber directions: pure frontal plane abduction will likely hit the anterior fibers of both glute med and min most directly, angled abduction (blend of abduction and extension) will likely hit middle fibers of both glute med and min most directly, and transverse plane abduction will likely hit the posterior fibers of both glute med and min most directly. But there's also undoubtedly a lot of individual variability in terms of both angles of the muscles relative to the pelvis and fiber directions of the various segments to warrant experimentation to figure out which movements you feel working best. #fypage #trainertips #trainerreacts
Glute Max is a powerful hip extender Glute Max is a powerful hip external rotator Glute Max is a powerful hip abductor The first two were obvious but the last one has been debated. Now we finally have great evidence. Awesome study here! I love science. #fypage #glutes #trainertips
Great Glute Workout Here! Minor advice Not everyone needs to do ten minute warm ups Stand over that front leg more with Bulgarians and shorten stride length a bit Don't do drop sets Choose between Bulgarians or side lunges (I like BSS's more) Consider doing kickbacks and abduction separately (but super setting isn't that bad of an idea with these) This advice applies mostly if you train glutes 3X/wk like I have my clients do and like I do in my @bootybybretofficial programs #fypage #trainertips #trainerreacts #glutegrowth
Back in the day when blogging was popular, I wrote the very first article ever written on this topic. It was 2010. The title was "How to Grow Your Glutes Without Growing Your Legs." It went viral. There are so many women who share this goal. Over the years l've filmed videos on the topic and even created a program on the topic a couple of years ago. The science evolves and we come up with more variations over time, so my ability to grow just glutes as a trainer continues to advance. This trainer here gets it. Please don't listen to most men on this topic. They'll tell you quit doing that stupid exercise and just squat. This is because they want quad and adductor growth. Many women get upset at this topic too and will say give me all the leg growth. But we all have different physique goals, and we have that right since we have to live in our bodies. So please find a trainer or program that is sympathetic to your particular goals. Barbell and smith machine glute bridges, kickbacks, and abduction are gonna be your best friends if you seek pure glute growth. #fypage #trainertips #trainerreacts #glutes
Are people really this ignorant and gullible? Tension builds muscle. There's no tension in this maneuver. Building glutes is hard and requires strain and effort. #fypage #trainertips #trainerreacts #glutegrowth
Pistol Squat Progression Here’s a solid plan to get you performing pistol squats. Breaking it down into steps makes it much easier! #fypage #trainertips #trainerreacts